At the end of the Redmi Note 11 Pro series launch in India, the company teased that Redmi 10 will be coming to India and now it has revealed the launch date to be March 17. Besides the day of arrival, there isn’t much else to learn from the press release related to this announcement. However, in a newly-up microsite, it has dropped some clues which we can work with for the moment.
Redmi 10 India: What’s teased so farAccording to this landing page, the Redmi 10 will be powered by a 6nm Snapdragon chipset. It will be coming with fast charging support and have a smudge-free finish on the surface. The back camera squircle encompasses a fingerprint scanner too. The primary camera will be a 50MP sensor and adjacent to it is an unnamed lens although its purpose isn’t mentioned.
The front is a waterdrop-notched panel with rather thick bezels, especially at the bottom.
The company has used superlatives to tease the rest of the phone’s features.
That’s all officially disclosed at the time of reporting this.
Now, since the company is known to release the same device under different nomenclature in different markets, the Redmi 10 available in other regions might not be the one landing here.
That said, recently, a Redmi handset with model number 220333QNY was spotted at the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) certification website. It will reportedly ship with MIUI 13 out of the box.
We will keep you posted as we gain more insight into the device. So, keep visiting, and for more such news, reviews, feature stories, buying guides, and everything else tech-related, keep reading
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