Infinix has launched its X3 range of smart TVs in India and these are available through Flipkart. There is a 32-inch model with an HD-ready IPS screen and a 43-inch model with an FHD VA screen. Another key difference is in the audio setup wherein the 32-inch X3 TV has a 20W speaker and the 43-inch X3 TV has a 36W speaker set. The top-end model also sports goodies like Dolby Audio surround sound, HDR10, HLG, dual-band WiFi, and Android 11 based software with OTT apps.
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Infinix X3 Smart TV Specs and FeaturesTo reiterate, there are 32-inch and 43-inch size options for this TV. The former has got an HD-ready IPS panel while the latter has an FHD VA panel. The visuals are rendered by EPIC Engine 3.0 Image Processor and benefit from up to 400 nits of peak brightness, 122% sRGB color gamut, HDR10, HLG support, and Anti-Blue Ray emission filter.
On the audio front, the smaller screen model has a 20W stereo speaker and the 43-inch unit has a 36W speaker output. Both are Dolby Audio-backed.
As for connectivity, you get ports like 3x HDMI, 2x USB, 1x RJ-45, 1x mini YPbPr video output, and a 3.5mm audio jack.
Under the hood, the TVs are running on a 64-bit Realtek RTD2841 processor with 1GB of RAM and 8 GB of storage. The software is Android 11 and you can control popular OTT apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and YouTube via dedicated buttons on the bundled remote. This also has a Google Assistant button.
Infinix X3 Smart TV Price and AvailabilityThe 32-inch and 43-inch variants of the Infinix X3 smart TV are available for pre-booking starting March 12 to March 16 at ₹11,999 and ₹19,999 respectively. They are out on
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