The newly launched WhatsApp feature called Channels could be dangerous if not regulated properly. WhatsApp Channels looks inspired by the Telegram feature with a similar name. So you see the concern buds from the way some Telegram Channels propagate illegal and copyright-infringing content. Bots and misinformation are also problem areas that WhatsApp should pay attention to.
Let’s first understand how WhatsApp Channels work and in what way it is similar to Telegram Channels.
What is WhatsApp Channels? How is it similar to Telegram Channels?WhatsApp Channels is described as a “private broadcast service” to follow all topics you care about. Well, the channels around the themes you like could be run by people or organizations. These WhatsApp Channel admins will get to monetize the service they provide thanks to the integration of WhatsApp Pay.
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This is similar to how the Telegram Channels work in some respects. There is the broadcast part and the Telegram Payments 2.0 part.
However, Telegram Channels has been around since 2015 and over the years, scores of Channels around a myriad of topics and themes have cropped up. While many of these are useful and indulge in fair content and practices, there are some that don’t.
One could easily find Telegram Channels that distribute pirated content, bots and shortcuts for growth hacks on social media platforms like Instagram. In the even darker alleys of Telegram, you may come across extremist groups and dangerous elements.
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In 2022, the Indian judiciary mandated Telegram to disclose the channels that are involved in copyright infringement. Time and again, the app has faced the ire of authorities across the world including India, Brazil, etc.
Even when it claims it has banned a channel, it’s not known whether that means it has taken down the content also or not. You can read more about this in Yale University’s The Tale of Telegram Governance report.
So, it seems WhatsApp can look to Telegram for lessons on regulation: Both what to do and what not to do.
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