Samsung foldable Galaxy Flip4 is set to cost Rs 90,000 in India and the Galaxy Fold4 will be priced at Rs 1.55 lakh in the country, reliable industry sources said on Monday. Sources told IANS that the price hike this year, compared to the previous year foldable models, is due to rupee-dollar currency fluctuation and global market factors. However, the maximum impact of the currency fluctuation has been absorbed by Samsung to give the best pricing to the Indian consumers, the industry sources added. Last year, Galaxy Flip 3 5G (8+128GB) was launched at Rs 84,999 and Galaxy Fold3 5G (12+256GB) at Rs 149,999. The new foldables will be launched in India on August 16, and people can pre-book their devices on its website via a live commerce event from 12 noon. Consumers who pre-book Galaxy Z Fold4 and Galaxy Z Flip4 via live commerce event can avail benefits worth Rs 40,000, the company had said in an earlier statement. Additionally, consumers will also get a gift worth Rs 5,199 on pre-booking. "As part of the live commerce, the special Bespoke Edition for Galaxy Z Flip4 and the 1TB storage variant of Galaxy Z Fold4 will also be available on Samsung Live," said the company. The special offers on live commerce will be valid till August 17. Galaxy Z Flip4 comes in Bora Purple, Graphite, Pink Gold and Blue finishes while Galaxy Z Fold4 in Graygreen, Beige and Phantom Black, along with Burgundy colours. Touted as the toughest foldables ever, the Flip4 and Fold4 come with armor Aluminum frames and hinge cover, along with exclusive Corning Gorilla Glass Victus+ on the cover screen and rear glass. Meanwhile, Galaxy Watch5 Series starts at Rs 27,999 and Galaxy Watch5 Pro starts at Rs 44,999.
(Except for the headline, the rest of this IANS article is un-edited)
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