Facebook boosts online Shopping through new messaging and business tools
September 20, 2021 at 09:46AMOnline shopping businesses are set to receive a massive boost thanks to Facebook and its tight integration between its different apps like Whatsapp and Instagram. The company has launched new business tools to enable different brands and customers to interact with each other in a seamless manner. Different businesses will now have the ability to add a button on their Instagram page to redirect customers to their respective Whatsapp profiles, thus enabling easy communication. Additionally, social media managers and executives will also get the ability to manage business pages without having to log in to their personal accounts first. Facebook Rolls Out New Messaging, Business Tools Whatsapp integration for businesses is an important business strategy in India. The country also leads the way in terms of payments made via Whatsapp. Places like Brazil also represent an important market for Facebook-owned Whatsapp, where it recently tested a feature that allowed users to locate local businesses with the help of an in-app directory. As per Karandeep Anand, Vice President of business products Facebook, the added capabilities in the platform will bolster its ability to provide custom shopping experiences to its members.
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